You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid!

Posted by | December 9, 2008 | Random Stuff | 3 Comments

Ralphie“A Red Ryder Carbine Action 200 Range Air Rifle with a compass in the stock.” Remember in the movie, “A Christmas Story” how Ralphie tried everything to get his parents to buy him one of these cherished items? Doesn’t every little boy want a BB gun? It’s “the Holy Grail of Christmas gifts” according to Ralphie Parker.

Well, I can’t wait for Christmas this year. I found a classic Red Ryder BB gun at the swap meet. It’s all worn out in just the right places and has the engraved logo on the stock.  It even has the neat fringe thingy hanging down one side. I am going to mount the gun and add a little plaque that says, “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid!” then give it to my older brother, Scott (who, btw, still acts like a little kid most of the time). He ought to get a real kick out of it as this is one of his favorite movies. I should probably give him some eye protection too, just in case.

What cool items have you found at swap meets or garage sales?


  • Lisa C. says:

    Years ago I found a “Snoopy” dog pull toy with the wobbly red wheels and the springy tail for only a couple of bucks. We got it for our older daughter who is now 13. The toy is still played with today by our three year old.
    Lisa C.

  • I was enjoying this cute bit of nostalgia, that is until the seque into swap meets and garage sales! This made me reflect on a bit of painful history. When we purchased our new home, which had a beautiful custom office for my wife Jenny, I was assured that the other spare bedroom would be turned into a music room/office for me. All looked good for my man-room plans… until Jenny’s mother happened by a garage sale that had an old-fashioned bed frame that, to quote my mother-in-law, “we had to have.” I now cram myself into a 3’x3′ area and use a foofy white dresser to compute upon. When I really get into some deep stuff, I pull out the top drawer of the dresser and lay across it an unfinished piece of plywood to extend my desk space. My horns are pushed into a dusty corner that prevents opening the closet door, and when I raise my adjustable-height chair it gets stuck in the ornate Filigree of the bed’s footboard. Anyway, this is the holiday season and it isn’t about me, I realize. The bed looks great, imposing itself upon the room (and me), and loftily exalts its rank in the order of my life. On a positive note, vacuuming is a breeze. Thanks for the memories.

  • P.S. I love “A Christmas Story”

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